Dear Mahjong Time Players,
We are bringing to your attention that soon we will have our system improved with multiple interesting features and a new game interface!
We would like to introduce our players to the changes before the release and "listen" to their opinions via our Blog. You can discuss and bring new thoughts by posting your comments on the feature to the corresponding post.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New Mahjong Time Features!
Posted by
Mahjong Time
Dragon Chips and Golden Coins
With the new system we are introducing an internal currency consisted of: Dragon Chips (DC) and Golden Coins (GC).
Dragon Chips are a type of currency used within the game. Dragon Chips are used as entry fee for Fun Games.
All the players receive Dragon Chips daily if the amount of Dragon Chips in their accounts is less than 1000 Dragon Chips. Free Players receive 1000 Dragon Chips per day. Premium Users receive 1000 Dragon Chips 3 times a day and VIP members receive Dragon Chips 5 times per day! You can also Convert Golden Coins to Dragon Chips at a conversion rate of 1 Golden Coin for 100 Dragon Chips.
The Fun Games require an amount of Dragon Chips to be joined: 100, 200, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 5000, 10000
For example: The Prize Fund for a 100 DC Fun game wil be: 100*4=400-% depending on the membership type of the winner.
Each type of member has a certain rake that is applied to his winning pot.
Rake from Dragon Chips is taken from the winner(s) as follows:
Golden Coins are a type of internal currency that can be used to enter certain tournaments and purchase unique avatars. You can play Fun Games by converting Golden Coins to Dragon Chips, also you can prove your uniqueness by creating your custom avatar in the Virtual Shop.
Golden Coins can be purchased in the Cashier menu at a rate of 100 Golden Coins=$1
The conversion table between Dragon Chips and Golden Coins is:

Posted by
Mahjong Time
New Jackpot structure
The new Jackpot will be available for the following Mahjong styles: Hong Kong, Riichi Competition and Taiwanese Mahjong.
The Jackpot for each style is divided by entry fees into 5 levels each covering games with certain entry fees:
For example if you play one $1 cash game and one $5 cash game as result you become participant in two levels of Jackpot (Copper and Bronze).
Choose a level, play games in that entry fee range and win – all it takes is to be active for just a few hours!
Jackpots for each style and level last for 6 hours. The Schedule is as follows:
Posted by
Mahjong Time
Reward Points System
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Mahjong Time
Virtual Shop
The full set of Avatars is available for all the players (Free, Premium and VIP) but each type of membership has its benefits in what concerns the Virtual Shop. There is a certain discount available to various types of memberships.
Every type of player can use the VS, can have up to 5 Avatars in their collection:
Free Players:
- No Discounts on avatars and accessories
- No Free avatars or accessories
Premium Players:
- Discounts on avatars and accessories
- Free avatar slot with up to 9 free accessories!
- Up to 5 slots to save your avatars!
- The lowest prices on all avatars and accessories!
- Two avatar slots with 9 free accessories each!
- Can save up to 5 avatars!
- Can upload his own personal image as an avatar!
Posted by
Mahjong Time
Friday, September 04, 2009
The Best Games of August 2009
Type: HK
Game ID: 1418028
User Name: yy44
Points: 384MS
Wall: 24
Hand: d333 d66 d777 d888 DWDWDW
Combination: 64 Perl Dragon
Comments: This month yy44 made a lot of marvelous mahjongs with the combinations with the highest score. He is really the best HK player in August.
Type: CO
Game ID: 1432324
User Name: once
Points: 318MS
Wall: 40
Thirteen Orphans – 88
Last Tile – 4
Fully Concealed Hand -4
Flowers – 1x2
Comments: I would say: no comments!!! This was the greatest CO hand of August. Without doubts.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1397071
User Name: mapmap
Points: 41000
Wall: 25
Combination: 13(yaku) All Honors
2(han) Dora
Comments: Very impressive game, combination from All Honors is very rarely meet. The player must have some qualities to make such a combination, like: good base of knowledge, experience and of course must be very lucky.
Type: TW
Game ID: 1421398
User Name: apie
Points: 66MS
Wall: 52
Hand: B2B2 B5B6B7 C2C3C4 C1C2C3 C4C5C6 C7C8C9
Chow Hand -3
Three Chows of one suit – 10
No Honors – 1
Out on a one chance chow – 1
Fully Concealed Hand – 3
Flower – 1
Winning – 2
Dealer's Bonus - 3
Comments: Who said that chows can not make you the leader? apie becomes the best TW player of August with this hand.
Posted by
Mahjong Time
Labels: The Best Games of the Month
The Best Games of the Week 08.24.09 - 08.30.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1441145
User Name: yy44
Points: 192MS
Wall: 36
Hand: C6C7C8 C3C3C3 C6C6C6 C7C8C9 C2C2
One Suit Only -6
Self drawn – 1
Flower of own Wind -1 32:
After FaanLaak Table
Comments: It was hard to determine the best HK hand for this week. There were 8 identical combinations with the same score, but this game is the best one!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1432324
User Name: once
Points: 318MS
Wall: 40
Thirteen Orphans – 88
Last Tile – 4
Fully Concealed Hand -4
Flowers – 1x2
Comments: Great Hand! Waiting for the last East Wind – very risky.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1440178
User Name: jade27
Points: 33000
Wall: 29
Hand: B2B3B4 B6B7B8 C3C4C5 D6D7D8 C8C8
Pinfu – 1yaky
All Simples – 1 yaku
Red Five – 1 han
Riichi – 1 yaku
Dora – 3 hans Ura
Dora – 1 han
Comments: A simple chow hand with the maximum points on this week. Bravo jade27!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1440726
User Name: newbee2
Points: 54
Wall: 24
One Suit and Honors – 10
Melded Kong -1
Pung of Honors – 1x2
Self Draw – 1
Flowers – 2
Winning – 2
Comments: Very good hand with Dragons and one suit Only. Very impressive play.
Posted by
Mahjong Time
Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Best Games of the Week 08.17.09 - 08.23.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1427961
User Name: reminator
Points: 384MS
Wall: 47
Hand: B1B1 B2B3B4 B4B5B6 B4B5B6 B8B8B8B8
One Suit – 6
Out on supplement tile – 1
Self Draw – 1
Flower of own Wind – 1
Season of own Wind -1
64: After FaanLaak Table
Comments: Beautiful hand and beautiful understanding of possible combinations. Very fast and impressive win. Congratulations!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1424967 - deal1
User Name: jindu
Points: 93MS
Wall: 57
Hand: D1D2D3 D4D5D6 D7D8D9 C2C2C2 C8C8
Pure Straight – 16
No Honors – 1
One Voided Suit -1
Self Drawn – 1
Closed Wait – 1
Flower Tiles – 1x3
Comments: Waiting for Pure Straight is risky but it gives great results!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1424769
User Name: jade27
Points: 29000
Wall: 48
Hand: B5B6B7 C4C5C6 D2D3D4 D4D5D6 B8B8
Pinfu – 1 yaku
All Simples – 1 yaku
Red Fives – 2 yaku
Ippatsu Riichi – 2 yaku
Comments: Even valueless hands can give great score when you know what to do. A simple chow hand becomes the leader of the week. Riichi rules are miracle here.
Type: TW
Game ID: 1421398
User Name: apie
Points: 66MS
Wall: 52
Hand: B2B2 B5B6B7 C2C3C4 C1C2C3 C4C5C6 C7C8C9
Chow Hand -3
Three Chows of one suit – 10
No Honors – 1
Out on a one chance chow – 1
Fully Concealed Hand – 3
Flower – 1
Winning – 2
Dealer's Bonus - 3
Comments: Another chow hand with great points! Who said that chows can not make you the leader?
Posted by
Mahjong Time
Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Best Games of Weeks 08.10.09 - 08.16.09
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The best games of the week 08.03.09-08.09.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1404092
User Name: sdmers03
Points: 384MS
Wall: 23
Hand: b111 b444 b666 b99 DGDGDG
Combination: 64 Jade Dragon
Comments: Pretty nice game, other two players also was in waiting, but player sdmers03 has proved more perseverance and this has gave him very good result. Combination made by player sdmers03 was declared as the best for this week. Our Congratulations, sdmers03!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1402178
User Name: jindu
Points: 70
Wall: 47
Combination: 32 All Terminals and Honors
6 Half Flush
2 Dragon Pung
1 Single wait
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very successful game, full of luck and insistence. Player jindu is very skillful player, she has very good knowledge of Mahjong rules and scoring and this gave her possibility to won this game with such good hand. Our Congratulations, jindu! Good Luck in the future.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1397071
User Name: mapmap
Points: 41000
Wall: 25
Combination: 13(yaku) All Honors
2(han) Dora
Comments: Very impressive game, combination from All Honors is very rarely meet. The player must have some qualities to make such a combination, like: good base of knowledge, experience and of course must be very lucky. Player mapmap prove that he have all this qualities. Our Congratulations, mapmap!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1403123
User Name: flingflong
Points: 37
Wall: 40
Hand: b22 b33 b99 c11 c33 c77 d11 d33
Combination: 30 Seven pairs and a triplet
1 No Honors
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Dealer's bonus
Comments: Very lucky combination and a very tight game against the skilled players but flingflong proof very good knowledge of mahjong. Our Congratulations, flingflong!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
The Best Games of July
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Labels: The Best Games of the Month
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
The best games of the week 07.27.09-08.02.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1389140
User Name: meilisa
Points: 256
Wall: 25
Hand: b1 b9 c1 c9 d1 d9 DG DRDR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
Comments: Very nice playing, player meilisa showed very good strategy. Combination of Thirteen Orphans in not really easy to make, for such combination player needs to be very qualified in mahjong. Our Congratulations, meilisa !
Type: CO
Game ID: 1391167
User Name: tyltyl
Points: 63
Wall: 56
Hand: b456 c456 c456 d456 d66
Combination: 24 Middle Tiles
8 Mixed Triple Chow
2 All Chows
1 Pure Double Chow
2 Concealed hand
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very nice hand and made in a very delicate way, entirety of 4, 5, and 6 tiles and all this concealed and combined with Mixed Triple Chow this is very impressive. Our Congratulations, tyltyl ! Good luck in your future games.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1393159
User Name: maroyan
Points: 41000
Wall: 66
Combination: 13(yaku) Big Three Dragons
Comments: Wow, this is an astounding game. A very good example for beginners of a rookie [with knowledge, effort and some luck] obtaining a very good result against all odds. Very good job, moroyan. Congratulations!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1388845
User Name: jade27
Points: 43
Wall: 18
Hand: b123 b123 b444 b55 b789 b999
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
1 No Flowers/Seasons
2 Winning
Comments: Very nice game between advanced players. All these users have almost the same rank in this particuliar style; from the start of game - they already know what hands to build. We are very proud of such players and especially for player jade27, never stops impressing us with displays of skill and determination. We wish you good luck and all the best.
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Monday, August 03, 2009
MahjongTime introduces 'guilds' to promote playing
This blog is in regards to the article on :
We want all of the Mahjong News readers to understand that we are constantly striving to bring new promotions and activities to our site. We would want to include our opinion about our recent efforts, as we are always looking to improve our site and give mahjong players the best option for online play.
Our recent initiatives such as our Free Roll tournaments and our Guilds, are gaining popularity with our members. We have 18 current Guilds, with more being added often. Our first week of Guilds competition attracted many players. The Guilds help our players interact with each other and promote friendly competition among teams. Per player's feedback the scoring issue that is mentioned has been addressed and as of today the scores are added up after each deal.
As always, we want to make our players happy, and are willing to spend the time to make changes. In order to accommodate as many players as possible, we have offered various start times for the tournaments instead of setting times in advance that might not work right for our global player base. Our Player Services (PS) personnel are able to easily find the Scoring of all games played, as all of this data is saved by our system. For the FreeRoll qualifier tournaments, players simply need to tell PS that they wish to have a FreeRoll qualifying tournament and PS will faciliate it. Our Madness tournaments are also picking up, and we expect to have more interest in August. Again, for the Madness tournaments we shifted the entry fees to appeal to a wider range of player and offer free entries every month to our top players as a reward for player loyalty.
If you have not visited us in a while, please check out our site to see some of the recent changes that have been made. We are confident that Mahjong Time remains the best site for online mahjong play, and we work hard to make our game as exciting as possible. Coming in September we are launching a major update to the site which will create many new fun enhancements for all of our players!
Posted by
Slava Novozhenya
Labels: Live Mahjong Game
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The best games of the week 07.20.09-07.26.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1376496
User Name: Mat09
Points: 384MS
Wall: 42
Hand: b19 c19 d19 DG DRDR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
Comments: Very good combination of luck and passions, even at the beginning of the game Mat09 get from the wall the most necessary tiles. With little experience she done this hand in perfect time. Our Congratulations, Mat09 !
Type: CO
Game ID: 1369814
User Name: georgew
Points: 101
Wall: 29
Hand: b222 b333 b444 b555 b99
Combination: 48 Four Pure Shifted Pungs
24 Full Flush
2 Two Concealed Pungs
1 Single wait
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: A very impressive play, player georgew showed in this game how we should to play to get good results. Player georgew has completed this hand almost from nothing, he was based only on his knowledge and how we see he made very good combination. Our Congratulations and Good Luck in your future games!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1379044
User Name: flingflong
Points: 33000
Wall: 42
Hand: b345 c567 c567 d33 d345
1(yaku) Pure Double Chow
1(yaku) PInfu
1(yaku) All Simples
3(han) Red Fives
1(yaku) Riichi
1(han) Dora
Comments: Very nice game, even if player flingflong played against the players with brown belters he didn't hesitate to beat them, player flingflong showed very nice playing. Our Congratulations, flingflong !
Type: TW
Game ID: 1375042
User Name: monkey415
Points: 33
Wall: 44
Hand: b22 b55 c22 c55 d11 d222 d77 WSWS
Combination: 30 Seven pairs and a triplet
1 No Flower / Season
2 Winner
Comments: What more can we say about player monkey415? Yet again he proves to be an extremely active and successful member of the Mahjong Time community. Our Congratulations, monkey415 !
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The best games of the week 07.13.09-07.19.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1363430
User Name: slowbreak
Points: 384MS
Wall: 53
Hand: b333 b444 b888 c88 WEWEWE
Combination: 64 Hidden Treasure
Comments: A nice combination of luck and good decision-making resulted in a sturdy Hidden Treasure hand for player slowbreak and the title of best hand of the week! Congratulations!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1366404
User Name: MaitreLe
Points: 108MS
Wall: 43
Hand: b555 b999 c44 c555 d5555
Combination: 16 Triple Pung
6 All Pungs
1 No Honors
1 Melded kong
1 Pung of Terminals or Honors
1 Self drawn
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: A debutant in Best Hand of the week – player MaitreLe displayed a healthy Pung Hand with a Self Draw and in a game with several experienced players! Congratulations and Good Luck in your future games!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1363132
User Name: jade27
Points: 33000
Wall: 39
Hand: b44 c123 c456 c789 d456
Combination: 2(yaku) Pure Straight
1(yaku) Pinfu
1(han) Red Fives
2(yaku) Ippatsu Riichi
2(han) Dora
1(han) Ura Dora
Comments: Very skilful gameplay by player jade27! And against fellow brown belters that have proved to be strong! Jade27 displayed both knowledge and elasticity during the game by taking the time to build a Pure Straight in such a competitive situation! Undoubtedly- jade27 strikes again!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1357815
User Name: flingflong
Points: 34
Wall: 63
Hand: b22 b555 b88 c22 c99 d22 d66 d77
Combination: 30 Seven pairs and a triplet
1 No Honors
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
Comments: My hat down before player flingflong! Great luck and determination in building a Seven Pairs and a Triplet hand and with less than a line of discards in the game! Bravo without a doubt!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Best Games of Weeks 06.07.09 - 12.07.09
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
The best games of the week 06.29.09 - 07.05.09
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
The Best Games of June
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Labels: The Best Games of the Month
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The best games of the week 06.22.09 - 06.28.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1333700
User Name: sdmers03
Points: 384MS
Wall: 33
Hand: b19 c19 d19 DG DR DW WE WSWS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
Comments: Very lucky game, player sdmers03 already from the start get from the wall the most necessary tiles. He knew from the start as the perfect combination for this game must be Thirteen Orphans. Our Congratulations, sdmers03. Hope your luck will never leave you !
Type: CO
Game ID: 1330513
User Name: jindu
Points: 123MS
Wall: 58
Hand: b99 c777 c888 d888 d789
Combination: 24 Upper Tiles
2 Two Concealed Pungs
2 Double Pung
2 Tile Hog
1 Self drawn
1 Closed wait
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very nice game, player jindu had built her combination almost from scratch. She based only on her knowledge and experience in Mahjong. Has proved to be a careful strategist. Our Congratulation, jindu.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1331022
User Name: DragonBoy8
Points: 28000
Wall: 37
Hand: b234 c345 c678 d678 d88
1(yaku) Pinfu
1(yaku) All Simples
1(han) Red Fives
2(yaku) Ippatsu Riichi
1(han) Dora
1(han) Ura Dora
Comments: Well done, very nice combination done with good knowledge of Mahjong. On this week we had two players with almost the same combination. Player bro305sg also made combination form Mixed Triple Chow, Pinfu and All Simples. Player bro305sg did really good hand, but we chose combination made by DragonBoy8, because his hand is more complex and also we chose this hand for Ippatsu Riichi, user must be very lucky and in the same time very experienced in Mahjong to get Ippatsu Riichi. Our Congratulation, DragonBoy8. Good Luck in your future games.
Type: TW
Game ID: 1333978
User Name: monkey415
Points: 45
Wall: 36
Hand: d123 d123 d444 d66 d789 d999
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
1 Out on a One-Chance Chow
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Dealer's bonus
Comments: Well Done, On this week in TW Style first place claimed two players Monkey415 and alu94, both of them have made the same combination, but with some small difference. Monkey415 made this hand more quickly. Our Congratulations, Monkey415. Good Luck in the future.
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The best games of the week 06.15.09 - 16.21.09
Game ID: 1319061
User Name: Hawke168
Points: 384MS
Wall: 15
Hand: b19 c19 d19 DG DRDR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
Comments: Very nice game, player Hawke168 demonstrate again that he have very good base of knowledge in Mahjong. This is not the fist time when Hawke168 made such hand. We are glad that we still have good players on our web site. Our Congratulations, Hawke168 !!!
Game ID: 1315639
User Name: chowman
Points: 123MS
Wall: 37
Hand: b22 b555 b888 DGDGDG WNWNWNWN
Combination: 16 Three Concealed Pungs
6 Half Flush
6 All Pungs
2 Dragon Pung
1 Meleded Kong
1 Pung of Terminals or Honors
1 Self Drawn
Comments: Well Done, Three Concealed Pungs is pretty good hand, player chowman done this hand very good. These are the results of the many hours playing in Mahjong. Our Congratulations, chowman. We wish you good luck in the future.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1314619
User Name: chagrin
Points: 33000
Wall: 45
Hand: c222 c555 c66 c888 c999
Combination: 5(yaku) Full Flush
2(yaku) All Pungs
1(han) Red Fives
Comments: Very good hand, done in good time. Even at the beginning of the game player chagrin knew what to discard and what to keep. Very good strategy, it gave you great results. Our Congratulations, chagrin !!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1314622
User Name: mjmaniac88
Points: 45
Wall: 20
Hand: b123 b234 b456 b777 b88 b999
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
Comments: A very impressive hand, done in a perfect time. Combination from one suit only already a lot of weeks is in our tops. This is very good combination and it gave a lot of points. Our Congratulations, mjmaniac88 !!!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Monday, June 15, 2009
The best games of the week 06.08.09-06.14.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1304786
User Name: DellLee
Points: 256
Wall: 59
Hand: b44 b555 b777 b999 DGDGDG
Combination: 64 Jade Dragon
Comments: Very nice game , two players was in waiting, but DellLee had more luck than others. Jade Dragon is a very good combination and gives a lot of points. Our congratulations , we wish you this luck to be with you for future.
Type: CO
Game ID: 1310014
User Name: hk88
Points: 282MS
Wall: 33
Hand: d333 c6666 DRDRDR DGDGDG DWDW
Combination: 64 Little Three Dragons
6 All Pungs
2 Concealed Kong
2 Two Concealed Pungs
1 One Voided Suit
8 Out with replacement tile
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very impressive play ! Little Three Dragons is very strong hand and gives a lot of points, we are glad that player hk88 could use his knowledge to made this very good hand in a very good way. Our Congratulations, hk88.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1311770
User Name: chagrin
Points: 42000
Wall: 33
Hand: b199 c19 d19 DG DR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 13(yaku) Thirteen Orphans
1(han) Ura Dora
Comments: Very well done, user must be highly qualified in mahjong to make Thirteen Orphans in RCR style, otherwise is very risky. Thirteen Orphans is one of the best combination that user can made, this is the limit hand that give maximum points. Our Congratulations, chagrin we wish you the best of luck in your future games.
Type: TW
Game ID: 1308139
User Name: monkey415
Points: 141MS
Wall: 29
Hand: b11 b123 b456 b456 b567 b888
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
1 Out on a One-Chance Chow
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Self-drawn last tile
Comments: Very lucky game, already from the start user received from the wall most of necessary tiles, all we know that player monkey415 is very skilled player on our web site, and for him wasn't hard to make this good hand. Our Congratulations, monkey415 !!!!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Monday, June 08, 2009
The best games of the week 06.01.09 - 06.07.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1293203
User Name: mc2x
Points: 384MS
Wall: 62
Hand: b11 c555 d555 d999 DWDWDW
Combination: 64 Hidden Treasure
Comments: Very lucky game, already from the start mc2x get from the wall a very good tiles, with his knowledge and little luck he done this hand very good. Our Congratulations, mc2x !!!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1297816
User Name: jnjsport
Points: 78
Wall: 41
Hand: c11 c222 c444 c555 c666
Combination: 24 Pure Shifted Pungs
24 Full Flush
6 All Pungs
Comments: Very nice game, shifted pungs in one suit, very nice and a very good hand. Player jnjsport is very active player on our web site and he have very good results, these are results of strong base of knowledge in Mahjong rules and scoring. Our Congratulations and Good Luck in your future games.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1293642
User Name: Chazy
Points: 33000MS
Wall: 18
Hand: b333 b456 b88 d456 d678
Combination: 1(yaku) All Simples
1(yaku) Fully Concealed Hand
2(han) Red Fives
1(yaku) Riichi
2(han) Dora
2(han) Ura Dora
Comments: Well Done, player Chazy is beginner on our web site and she don't really has pretty much experience, but how we see she trying and she get good results. Our Congratulations, Chazy , keep it up and everything it will be excellent. Good luck !!!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1294603
User Name: JJDylan
Points: 47
Wall: 26
Hand: b123 b234 b345 b678 b777 99
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Dealer's bonus
Comments: Very impressive game, very lucky can say. Already from the start player JJDylan had in his hand the most necessary tiles. Player JJDylan used his knowledge and with a little luck he did this hand very nice and in a very good time. Our Congratulations, JJDylan and good luck in your future games !!!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
The Best Games of May
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Labels: The Best Games of the Month
The best games of the week 05.25.09-05.31.05
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The best games of the week 05.18.09 - 05.24.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1277923
User Name: princessMJ
Points: 256
Wall: 29
Combination: 64 Three Great Scholars
Comments: Very impressive play! Done in time. Even at the beginning of the game player mjsage knew what to discard and what to keep. Very good strategy, it gave you great results. Congratulations!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1271620
User Name: ubivis
Points: 56
Wall: 36
Hand: b123 b222 b444 b888 b99
Combination: 24 Full Flush
2 Tile Hog
6 Melded Hand
Comments: Very good game, done in time! Full Flush made almost from nothing, very nice. Ubivis impressed us again with her knowledge, she demonstrate again that she know very well how to play Mahjong. Our Congratulations, ubivis! We wish you best of luck in the future!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1278846
User Name: newbee2
Points: 27000
Wall: 70
Hand: c567 d456 d999 WSWS WWWWWW
Combination: 5(yaku) Nagashi Mangan
2(yaku) Ippatsu Riichi
Comments: This is really a very good hand, made incredibly quickly. Player must discarded only terminal and honors tiles. newbee2 shows very impressive playing. Our Congratulation, newbee2, we hope that your luck will never leave you!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1279754
User Name: amy80222180
Points: 192MS
Wall: 35
Hand: b222 b33 b666 b777 b888 b999
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
10 Pung Hand
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Self-drawn last tile
Comments: Very impressive game, amy80222180 did hand only from pung and all was in one suit, was a very good game. amy80222180 is on our web site only for a two months but she already has very good results. Our Congratulations, amy80222180 and good luck in your future games !!!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Monday, May 18, 2009
The best games of the week 05.11.09 - 05.17.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1269195
User Name: tim808
Points: 256
Wall: 45
Hand: b19 c19 d19 DG DRDR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
Comments: Very good hand, done in very delicate way showing good experience in Mahjong. Player tim808 used his knowledge and with a little luck she did this hand very nice and in a very good time. Our Congratulations, tim808!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1271255
User Name: xylia66
Points: 99MS
Wall: 36
Hand: b123 b456 b789 c123 d66
Combination: 16 Pure Staight
2 All Chows
1 Mixed Double Chow
1 Self drawn
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Well done !! On the first place was two Players newbee2 and xylia66 , these two users make the same combination with just few differences xylia66 made it more quickly and compared with newbee2, xylia66 self drawn winning tile. This kind of winning is more appreciated. Our Congratulations for xylia66 and we wish you good luck in your future games.
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1266835
User Name: jade27
Points: 28000
Wall: 45
Hand: b444 b555 c11 d777 WWWWWW
Combination: 2(yaku) All Pungs
1(han) Red Fives
3(han) Dora
Comments: Very nice hand. Jade27 is a very experienced player on our web site, he spent a lot of time on our web site and has very good results. This is not his first best hand of week and we don't know why, but we believe that this is not the last one. Our Congratulations, jade27 and enjoy your game in the future!!!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1270988
User Name: alu94
Points: 43
Wall: 44
Hand: b555 b66 c444 DRDRDR DWDWDW DGDGDG
Combination: 30 Three Great Scholars
10 Pung Hand
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
Comments: Very impressive game, very lucky can say. Alu94 already from the start get from the wall pairs from dragons. He just use his knowledge and discarded unnecessary tiles and in the finally he get this pretty good hand. alu94 you are very lucky, hope this luck will never leave you. Our Congratulations and best wish for the future!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Monday, May 11, 2009
The best games of the week 05.04.09-05.10.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1255466
User Name: LC2009
Points: 256
Wall: 53
Hand: b19 c19 d199 DG DR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
Comments: On this week in HK Style on the first place was three users: TheWinner, tim808 and LC2009 with the same combinations, we chose LC2009 because she done her combination more quickly that another users. Thirteen Orphans is pretty good combination and only with good knowledge and little luck it can be made. Our Congratulations and Good Luck in your future games. ,
Type: CO
Game ID: 1259143
User Name: jnjsports
Points: 59
Wall: 36
Hand: c111 c222 c234 c55 c789
Combination: 24 Full Flush
2 Tile Hog
1 Pung of Terminals or Honors
4 Last tile
1 Closed wait
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very nice hand, done in very good time and with out this used only one suit tiles, these are results of knowledge and a little luck . keep it up and everything it will be excellent. Good luck !!!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1254863
User Name: Hawke168
Points: 41000MS
Wall: 39
Hand: b19 c119 d19 DG DR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 13(yaku) Thirteen Orphans
Comments: Pretty good hand , on this week in RCR Style was a lot of good combination, but not enough good like this. Hawke168 made very quality this combination, is not really easy to made Thirteen Orphans in RCR Style. Our Congratulation, Hawke168 and good luck in your future games.
Type: TW
Game ID: 1258920
User Name: m0on7chiLd
Points: 138MS
Wall: 41
Hand: d123 d456 d567 d678 d88 d999
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Self-drawn last tile
Comments: Pretty good hand, done in a very delicate way almost concealed. m0on7chiLd is a very good and active player on our web site. We are glad to see you again in our top. Our Congratulations, m0on7chiLd. Good Luck in the future.
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
The Best Games on April
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Labels: The Best Games of the Month
The Best Games of the Week 04.27.09 - 05.03.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1250192
User Name: jnjsport
Points: 256
Wall: 39
Combination: 64 Three Great Scholars
Comments: On this week in HK Style on the first place was three users with also very combinations, but we chose jnjsport because he done his combination more quickly that another users. Three Great Scholars is pretty rare combination but with knowledge and little luck it can be made. Our Congratulations and Good Luck in your future games.
Type: CO
Game ID: 1246673
User Name: mmsp
Points: 84MS
Wall: 23
Hand: b147 c258 d99 DG DR DW WE WW WN
Combination: 12 Lesser Honors and Knitted Tiles
4 Last Tile
4 Fully Concealed Hand
Comments: Pretty nice hand, done with very good knowledge of rules, need to be very sure in your knowledge to made such combination like Lesser Honors and Knitted Tiles. mmsp we are glad that you could made this hand. Our Congratulations !!!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1242335
User Name: kimchan56
Points: 27000
Wall: 32
Combination: 2(yaku) Half Flush
1(yaku) Dragon Pung
3(han) Dora
Comments: Pretty nice combination, kimchan56 is a very good player on our web site, We are glad to see you with best game in RCR style this week. Our congratulations and good luck for the future!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1249818
User Name: apie
Points: 47
Wall: 34
Hand: d123 d123 d345 d456 d567 d99
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
3 Chow Hand
1 No Flower/Season
2 Winning
1 Dealr's bonus
Comments: A very nice game, done in very good time. All Chows in one suit is very good and lucky hand I can say. apie is new user on our web site but he already shows very good results. Our Congratulations and keep it up !!!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Best Games of the Week 04.20.09-04.26.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1235410
User Name: princessMJ
Points: 384MS
Wall: 35
Hand: b19 c199 d19 DG DR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
Comments: Very good combination. Thirteen Orphans is pretty met in HK Style, anyway user must be very skillful in Mahjong to made such combination. Our Congratulations princessMJ, we wish you good luck in the future.
Type: CO
Game ID: 1238931
User Name: Violetdream
Points: 117MS
Wall: 46
Hand: b369 c258 d147 DR DW WE WS WN
Combination: 12 Lesser Honors and Knitted Tiles
12 Knitted Straight
4 Fully Concealed Hand
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: A very impressive hand, Lesser Honors and Knitted Straight it's a very good combination. On this week was also two users with Full Flash combination, but wasn't enough good like Knitted Straight, This combination is more complex like Full Flush and is more hard to made it. Our Congratulations, Violetdream. Keep it up and Good luck !!!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1234244
User Name: jade27
Points: 26000
Wall: 45
Hand: b567 c345 c567 d33 d456
Combination: 1(yaku) Pinfu
1(yaku) All Simples
3(han) Rad Fives
1(yaku) Riichi
Comments: A very nice game, jade27 and apie claimed the same tile for Mahjong, but won this game jade27 because his hand was more stronger. Good luck Our Congratulations jade27, we wish good luck for the future!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1231899
User Name: xylia66
Points: 114MS
Wall: 27
Hand: b22 c11 c44 d33 d666 d88 d99 WSWS
Combination: 30 Seven pairs and a triplet
2 Winning
3 Fully Concealed Hand
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
3 Dealer's bonus
Comments: Very lucky game! Player xylia66 from the very start had in her hand five pairs. With her luck and knowledge she could make seven pairs and a triplet. xylia66 we are glad to see you with such a good combination. Enjoy your games in the future and we are waiting for you to come with more powerful combinations. Good Luck !!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Best Games of the week 04.13.09 - 14.19.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1226863
User Name: jeff54321221
Points: 384MS
Wall: 55
Hand: c111 c2222 c55 c666 DRDRDRDR
Combination: 64 Ruby Dragon
Comments: A very impressive hand made in good time! jeff54321221 is for a long time on our web site, but he shows very good results day by day. We are glad that he could use his knowledge in Mahjong to make such a hand. We wish you success for the future and good luck!!!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1220206
User Name: jnjsport
Points: 37
Wall: 46
Hand: d123 b456 c789 d66 d789
Combination: 8 Mixed Straight
2 All Chows
1 Mixed Double Chow
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very interesting situation this week! On the first place there were three good combinations, interesting here is that all of them were made by jnjsport. This palyer is very active on our web site and he spends pretty much time here and he has accumulated a wealth of experience in Mahjong. We are very glad for such users like jnjsport. Our Congratulations, jnjsport. Success and keep it up!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1227952
User Name: toshi55
Points: 42000
Wall: 25
Hand: b111 b999 c11 c999 d999
Combination: 13(yaku) All Terminals
Comments: A very lucky game! We did not see for a long time the All Terminals combination. I believe that toshi55 had a very lucky day because he got from the wall almost all the necessary tiles and without knowledge he couldn't have done this combination. We are glad that he could use his experience to make this good hand. Our Congratulations, toshi55 and good luck in the future!!!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1221524
User Name: at88888
Points: 144MS
Wall: 51
Hand: d11 d2222 d456 d456 d789 d789
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
1 Melded Kong
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Self-drawn last tile
Comments: Very nice hand, done in very good time. One Suit is a strong hand and gives a lot of points, but to make such hand must know very well the Mahjong Rules and Scoring. at88888 did this hand very nice, almost all concealed and without this he self-drew the last tile. at88888 proved his great experience in Mahjong. Our Congratulations and good luck in all your future games!!!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Friday, April 17, 2009
The best games of the week 04.06.09 - 04.12.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1215180
User Name: LC2009
Points: 384MS
Wall: 31
Hand: d333 d44 d777 d888 d999
Combination: 6 Once Suit Only
3 Pung Hand
1 Self-drawn last tile
Comments: Very interesting situation this week in HK Style, with almost the same hand had tim808, reminator, cutehunkywes and LC2009, all of them made combinations from Once Suit Only. The difference was only how fast they did it and how. We chose LC2009 because she self drew the last tile and declare Mahjong Self. Our Congratulations, LC2009.
Type: CO
Game ID: 1211264
User Name: xylia66
Points: 50
Wall: 57
Hand: b258 c69 d47 DG DW DR WE WS WW WN
Combination: 24 Greater Honors and Knitted Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very nice hand, done in very good time! We had very good combinations this week but not good enough like Greater Honors and Knitted Tiles, for such a combination player needs good knowledge in Mahjong and of course little luck. We are glad that xylia66 has this luck and knowledge. Our Congratulations, xylia66!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1214873
User Name: at88888
Points: 33000
Wall: 25
Hand: b456 c456 c678 d456 d99
Combination: 2(yaku) Mixed Triple Chow
1(yaku) Pinfu
2(han) Red Fives
1(yaku) Riichi
2(han) Dora
1(han) Ura Dora
Comments: Very good game, at88888 could use his knowledge to make such a nice hand, Mixed Triple Chow all concealed. Very nice! Congratulations and good luck in the future!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1212389
User Name: once
Points: 44
Wall: 22
Hand: d111 d234 d456 d678 d789 d99
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
Comments: A very impressive game! Player once from the start made his combination almost from nothing. But he was strong in his knowledge and after a few discards he already knew what kind of combinations he will make. once really impressed us with his knowledge of Mahjong. Our Congratulations, once and Good luck in all the future games!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Thursday, April 09, 2009
The best games of the week 03.30.09 - 04.05.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1199193
User Name: Hawke168
Points: 256
Wall: 57
Combination: 64 All Honors
Comments: Very impressive hand, I didn't see for a long time this combination on our web site. On this week also was combinations like Thirteen Orphans, Three Great Scholars but we choose All Honors because is rarely met and was made in very good time. Our Congratulations, Hawke168 and good luck for the future.
Type: CO
Game ID: 1202594
User Name: astroma
Points: 56
Wall: 33
Hand: b111 b234 b234 b567 b99
Combination: 24 Full Flush
1 Pung of Terminals or Honors
1 Pure Double Chow
1 Short Straight
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very nice hand, done in very good time and with out this used only one suit tiles, these are results of knowledge and a little luck . keep it up and everything it will be excellent. Good luck !!!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1200129
User Name: Brasil3
Points: 33000
Wall: 27
Hand: b234 c789 d234 d33 d567
1(yaku)Robbing a Kong
1(han) Red Fives
2(yaku) Ippatsu Riichi
4(han) Dora
3(han)Ura Dora
Comments: Very lucky combination and a very tight game against the skilled players but Brasil3 proof very good knowledge of mahjong. Our Congratulation, Brasil3.
Type: TW
Game ID: 1207687
User Name: jc1978
Points: 46
Wall: 39
Hand: c111 c234 c234 c555 c666 c77
Combination: 40 Once Suit Only
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
Comments: Very good hand, done with good knowledge of mahjong. jc1978 is very active player on our web site, we are glad that she could use the knowledge to do such a good combination. Our Congratulations, jc1978. Good Luck in the future.
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Monday, April 06, 2009
The Best Games of March !!!
Type: HK
Game ID: 1175794
User Name: joellow777
Points: 384MS
Wall: 58
Hand: b19 c19 d19 DG DR DW WE WS WW WNWM
Combination:64 Thirteen Orphans
64 After FaanLaak Table
Comments: Player joellow777 is a new user on our web site but he already shows good knowledge of Mahjong Rules and Scoring. Congratulations with Best Hand of Month in HK Style.
Type: CO
Game ID: 1169227
User Name: jnjsport
Points: 348MS
Wall: 52
Combination:64 Little Three Dragons
32 All Terminals and Honors
6 Half Flush
2 Seat Wind
1 Self drawn
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: A combination worthy to be declared Best of Month , Our congratulations, jnjsport. We are glad for your success !!!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1155697
User Name: winne61
Points: 41000
Wall: 38
Hand: b77 c111 c999 d111 d777
Combination: 13(yaku) Four Concealed Pungs
1(yaku) Riichi
3(han) Ura Dora
Comments: Very nice combination. Winne61 shows very good hands in last time, Winne61 is on our web site only for two months but he has already surpassed players with experience from our site. Our Congratulations, winne61 !!!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1181470
User Name: m0on7chiLd
Points: 138MS
Wall: b111 b22 b444 b567 b678 b999
Hand: 34
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
1 Out on a Pair
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Self-drawn last tile
3 Dealer's bonus.
Comments: Player m0on7chiLd is a very competent player on our web site . We are glad that he has strengthened his knowledge base in Mahjong games. Our Congratulations, we wish good luck for the future!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Month
Friday, April 03, 2009
The best games of the week 03.23.09 - 29.03.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1196968
User Name: reminator
Points: 256
Wall: 22
Hand: b11 b9 c19 d19 DG DR DW WE WS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
Comments: It was very hard to choose the best combination on this week. For the first place pretended four players with very good combinations like Jade Dragon , Ruby Dragon, Perl Dragon. This combinations are very good but we chose Thirteen Orphans because is more hard to make it. Player reminator this week had more luck than other players and he used his skills to make this combination. Our Congratulations, ruminator!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1187667
User Name: hk88
Points: 111MS
Wall: 31
Hand: b44 b88 b99 c33 d11 d88 WSWS
Combination: 24 Seven Pairs
4 Fully Concealed Hand
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: hk88 you did very good job this week! The Seven pairs done by Mahjong Self were great! Our Congratulation we wish you Good Luck in the future !!!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1189030
User Name: winne61
Points: 27000MS
Wall: 49
Hand: b456 b678 b789 c55 c789
Combination: 1(yaku) Pinfu
1(yaku) Fully Concealed Hand
2(han) Red Fives
2(yaku) Ippatsu Riichi
1(han) Ura DOra
Comments: Very nice hand! Four chows all concealed and done in such a good time. But the most impressive thing was that you had the luck to do this hand by self drawing the Mahjong tile. Our Congratulation, we hope that your luck will never leave you!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1197510
User Name: cjm1860
Points: 111MS
Wall: 38
Hand: b66 b777 c66 c88 d44 d88 DWDW WNWN
Combination: 30 Seven pairs and a triplet
2 Winning
3 Fully Concealed Hand
1 Flower/Season
1 Flower/Season
Comments: Very lucky game! Player cjm1860 from the very start had in his hand four pairs. With his luck and knowledge he could make seven pairs and a triplet. cjm1860 is not for such a long time on our web site but he already has a strong in Mahjong and we are glad that he is so lucky. Our Congratulations, cjm1860!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The best games of the week 03.16.09 - 03.22.09
Type: HK
Game ID: 1182902
User Name: zuogone
Points: 256
Wall: 37
Hand: b1 b99 c1 c9 d1 d9 DR DW DG WE WS WW WN
Combination: 64 Thirteen Orphans
64 After FaanLaak Table
Comments: Very impressive game, done in time. Thirteen Orphans is a very good combination, is not easy to make such combinations without experience in Mahjong. We are glad that zuogone could apply his knowledge to create this good hand. Our Congratulations, zuogone !!!
Type: CO
Game ID: 1186741
User Name: hk88
Points: 50
Wall: 43
Hand: b33 b44 b55 b88 c33 d55
Combination: 24 Seven Pairs
1 No Honors
1 Flower Tiles
Comments: Very nice hand, hk88 is very active player on our web site , he was awarded with the bronze crown for his perseverance. We are glad to see him in our tops with such combination. We wish you to keep it up and we waiting you next time with more stronger combinations. Good luck !!!
Type: RCR
Game ID: 1184630
User Name: ckarl
Points: 33000MS
Wall: 32
Hand: c22 c555 c678 c678 c999
Combination: 5(yaku) Full Flush
1(han) Red Fives
Comments: Player ckarl is new on our site, he has only one month but he already shows very good results, he got used very quickly with how to make good combinations. We are glad that he has strengthened his knowledge base in Mahjong games. Our Congratulations, we wish good luck for the future!
Type: TW
Game ID: 1181470
User Name: m0on7chiLd
Points: 138MS
Wall: b111 b22 b444 b567 b678 b999
Hand: 34
Combination: 40 One Suit Only
1 Out on a Pair
2 Winning
1 Flower/Season
1 Self-drawn last tile
3 Dealer's bonus.
Comments: A very nice game, done in very good time. Player m0on7chiLd is a competent player on our web site . His Gold Crown demonstrates his skills . m0on7chiLd we are glad to see you with such a good combination. Enjoy your games in the future and we are waiting for you to come with more powerful combinations. Good Luck !!
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Labels: The Best Games of the Week