Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Playing on Multiple Tables?

We have received few requests from our members to allow them to play in more than one table simultaneously. If we do implement this feature, would you play in more than one table? How many simultaneous games can you play? On a scale of 1 to 5, how important do you think this feature is? MahjongTime would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on this matter. Please post your opinions below


Anonymous said...

Big fat 1. Most players can't concentrate or even finish a 1 round game. The number of accomplished players that could play multiple games is so few and the rest of us would suffer for all the unskilled players trying to play multiple games and slowing play down.

Trinity said...

That will be great if able to join in more than 1.

Trinity said...

Pls notify me if able to play more then 1. That will be great.

Anonymous said...

I cannot see how members would have time to play multiple tables when the skill & concentration needed for each game can be rather compled. Is it not fair to other players if they have to wait for the multiple player to make decision for each table. Not a good idea.

Anonymous said...

yes, it sounds like a good idea at first, but i think i would rather play on one fast table then on 2 or more slow ones, and it can only increase problems that already exsist, like players leaveing tables. This can be a big problem. I know a fellow player how was invelved in a hk tournament round that lasted 19 hands because players had left. I have been in several hk rounds that lasted for 10 + rounds because players had dropped. But this is really a seperate issue that can only be solved by banning players from starting a new game until the table that they left has finnished, anything that just efffects rating won't work, some players (like all those that would leave a game un-finnished) just don't care about ratings. Sorry this turned into a rant instead of a blog :)

Anonymous said...

I play poker as well as many other multi-player online games. In every instance, the ability of a player to play at more than one table at a time progressively makes them less focused on each table they are at which is not only discourteous to the others at each table but very frustrating as well. It would definitely be a BAD idea to make this option available. Instead, maybe the programmers could devote their energies to creating tables for beginning players that enable them to check the number of points they have in each hand at any given time allowing them to increase their knowlege of the scoring systems and improving Mah Jong for everyone by improving the speed and skills of those playing the game. Keep up the GREAT work BTW!! =O))

Anonymous said...


as others players already stated it, some players can hardly finish a round properly, i am afraid multiple game would increase bad behaviors on table

only few players could really play effective multiple games, moreover some deals need more concentration than others

i think it is no good idea

have good games

Anonymous said...

instead of allowing members to play multiple games...limits for each game should be reduced more..to allow for really hi speed games...

agree with the above..


Anonymous said...

Some players already seem to get distracted during play and slow games down for others. I fear that players who work more than one game at a time will slow down the games that they are in and make the other players wait. Waiting is frustrating.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a ploy so the unskilled can try to earn more money quicker. they will just try to drop as many games until they can get a round they are almost positive to win rather than see them out to the end. This feature should not be implemented.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a ploy so the unskilled can try to earn more money quicker. they will just try to drop as many games until they can get a round they are almost positive to win rather than see them out to the end. This feature should not be implemented.

Anonymous said...

I do like the idea of multi game but my main concern of my is that... alot of unskill players will play and slow a game down alot, I been on game that the unskill play very slow and some don't even know how the point system work to MJ

Anonymous said...

I am against the idea of player playing multiple games, as it is very annoying when you like to play fast and have to play with folks who would only make a decision right at the last second when the 15s limit is almost up!

Anonymous said...

it's not a good idea!
1 table is enough to enjoy

Unknown said...

Playing multiple tables is an EXTREMELY bad idea. In addition to slowing down play at each table, it would increase the opportunities to cheat.

Anonymous said...

I have played canasta online where people can play multiple games and what happens is you end up waiting for them to come back to your game.
I think it is a terreble idea and would cause alot of problems. As it is now we have so many new players that don't read the rules and scoring and take forever just to get through one game let alone 2 or more. Yes I could play 2 but it is not fair to the other players. Tennisflight

Anonymous said...

I just read the idea and comments on multi-table mj, it is absolutely a bad and stupid idea. In reality, there is no multi-table mj for a player. Don't even think about it.