Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Best Games of the Week 04.14.08 - 04.21.08

Type: HK
ID: 785002
Points: 192
Player: newbee2

one suit only - 6
self drawn last tile - 1
season of own wind - 1

Comment: A nice game and a competition by the rules. The risk increases when you discard tiles you don't need while another player is making pung-hands. You end up not knowing what to discard. However, newbee2 stuck to his goal to accumulate a One Suit Only combination.

Type: CO
ID: 780482
Points: 261
Player: mahjong6002

Little Three Dragons - 64
Halh Flush - 6
All Pungs - 6
Self Drawn - 1
Single Wait - 1
Flower Tiles - 1

Comment: An extremely risky Game, who anyone could have been first to declare Mahjong! The one player’s unneeded tiles became another’s pung. Two players were very close to the finish, they needed just one more tile. But only mahjong6002 was the lucky one, he was given a flower and he replaced it, and got the tile needed to declare MJ. Wonderful game!!!

Type: JM
ID: 780996
Points: 18 000
Player: june960

Full Flush - 5 hans
Dora tiles - 2 hans

Comment: WOW! One more Full Flush in JM! An interesting and competitive game; all the players made pungs and chows. june960 was waiting for the right moment, and the other players were very soon disappointed. Good Game!

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